Monday, September 23, 2013

Transformers Robots in Disguise- The Autobot Brothers triple threat review!

    I don't know about anyone else, but I fucking loved Transformers Robots in Disguise's toyline. They were Transformers toys, but anime inspired as well. This is a fusion of almost everything I love honestly, throw in Stallone and a driver and you got me 100%. Someday I'll feel like un-Transforming  Omega Prime and I'll review him along with Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime from this series, but today is not that day. Today is the time for the Autobot brother to shine like a Solar Flare!

From left to right X-Brawn (Wild Ride), Sideburn (Speedbreaker), and Prowl(Mach Alert). These guys are all the Super versions, but for simplicity's sake I'll just call them by their names without the super affixed. In show they recieved these upgrades from Ultra Magnus' power overflowing, but I'm sure the real reason is new paint job on a toy- more money! Jokes on them, I bought these after the fact, and prefer the super modes many times over.

Clusterfucks from the side

    First up is the toy I've had the longest- Sideburn. I initially picked him up cheap at Big Lots almost a decade ago for one simple reason- he reminded me of Hot rod. So I plucked down the cash, and left with him. As many Americans do, I find something about the penis shaped sports cart appealing. Obviously the makers of Transformers do as well. Sideburn's car mode is a Dodge Viper. Cool car, the wheels work, slick paint job, and works as a disguise unless you look into the windshield and see the jumble of parts. Time to see what the jumble of parts becomes!
Pretty slick robot, that's what! I dig the ball joints for extra possibility, and that the legs that can somehow hold up this top heavy bottom. The bumper becomes his gun, and the roof his shield. Pretty slick. I don't like the reddish pink they decided to use, I feel a darker color would have been more striking.The back kibble is kind of a mess, you can sort of make it wings, like Bumblebee from the movies.
Still this is a great figure. Super Sideburn 7/10.

    Second is my personal favorite of the trio- Prowl. I absolutely Love this guy!

  Prowl is my favorite shade of blue, so it's no surprise I dig him so much. He's so fast he has flames coming from his spoiler! Watch out criminals! He's a police Lamborghini Diablo, so he can probably catch anyone. Though how the cops can afford this vehicle, I have no idea.Maybe repurposed during a bust ? Still, moving on, look at how cool he is! What a kick ass ride! So how about robot?

  As Toki Wartooth would say  "Wowee!" The same color as the car mode! Take note Sideburn! The broad shoulders give him an imposing look, and I love the chest design. I'm not too sure what's up with his weapon. It's some sort of shield that on fire on the sides ? I guess he could throw it like captain America or something. The door on the right side is broken, the ball joint broke when he fell over. Nothing against this mold- shit happens.

Even the back looks good, everything folds up nicely, I appreciate the way the words police show through the windshield, and the lights directly above it! I give Super Prowl an 8/10!

Ignore the creepy face staring you down.
 Finally my least Favorite- X-Brawn. Not because he's bad or anything, more that the others are so great! X-Brawn is a Mercedes-Benz ML320 SUV.He is modified a bit from the Japanese release, to avoid license fees. The paint scheme makes him look like some sort of rally vehicle, which I feel  is much cooler than the original silver. Plus the red, green, and white remind me of Italy, and pizza. And everyone loves pizza. The only noteworthy component is underneath this guy:
   They have his weapons fit underneath , and form the bars under the doors! Nice! Now how does he look in robot mode ?
My life is pAiN!
  Now that is what I call a clusterfuck! His weapons become some sort of misses, with the second is stored in the back of his arm. He has some sort of shield held by his front end hand. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the right side- it looks like some sort of Fraken-Transformer. Both Doors and the front end are on the same arm, it's a mess! The forearm on the right is the front end, the hand just pops out to grip the front grill shield thingy. Who approved this mess ? Ugh.

A bit better from the back, but still nothing to write home about. I give Super X-Brawn a 4/10.

 So in any case, my next review will be . . .  Generations Drift! I am a weaboo, so this should be no surprise. It may include Hunt for the Decpticons SeaSpray, and Reveal the Shield Wreck-Gar. I know, I am horrible with money.

So in any case:
Super Sideburn-7/10
Super Prowl 8/10
Super X-Brawn 4/10

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