Monday, September 23, 2013

Toy Review! Bootleg War for Cybertron oversized Optimus Prime

    Some people prefer the design for Fall of Cybertron, others prefer the War for Cybertron Optimus Prime. Personally, I own the Fall of Cybertron version, as it is about $30 cheaper that the other. I was thinking about picking up a WFC version, but am unwilling to pay the current rape prices rampant on eBay. I attempted twice to negotiate in a BST( buy sell trade) thread, but asking for pictures before I give them my money is taboo. I never heard back after requesting them. Buttholes. Anyway I stumbled across an oversize bootleg of the War for Cybertron on eBay. My brother hadn't yet bought me a birfday gift, I sent him the link and said get to it. Promptly two weeks later he did just that.

   After my positive experience with my bootleg City Commander I had high expectaions for this guy. They were quickly dashed. The super cheap bootleg plastic had already broken before I took him out of the box. Hit crotch guard was snapped clean in two, and I'm trying to fix it with super glue, but to no avail so far. The paint job is pretty crappy, it looks like some kid had been playing with this guy for months. He has flames on his shoulders, which is kind of cool I guess. Red eyes too, to show he's evil or something ? Who knows.The joints are either too stiff or loose. The legs and arms keep popping off during transformation, or feel like the plastic will snap while attempting to move them. The gun is definitely the best part though. Holy shit look at that thing! He can probably throw down with Unicron if he felt so inclined.
 Size wise this guy is impressive, seriously look at him! Here's Fall of Cybertron Shrugimus Prime for some comparison. The guy barely comes up to his knee! Why don't they make official Transformers such size queens ? I have Fall of Cybertron Metroplex, and while huge, he admittedly has the same cheap ass plastic as the bootleg. Or close to it anyway. I suppose the golden age of transformers is deader than disco. Seriously though, Metroplex is a mass of disappointment, even more so than this guy. Hell I didn't even pay for him and I feel ripped off.

    The vehicle mode is an even bigger piece of shit. The panels do not align at all. There's a number 18 on the front for some god unknown reason.  This guy looks and feels like those cheap toys you brought to the beach as a youth. The ones that came with a shovel and pail, and usually ended up getting washed away with the tide. Remember those ? Even better on my guy the side panel in front of the smoke stack is the same as the left side, meaning it doesn't match up even remotely on the right side. Pic related.

There's also a mysterious black piece behind him that I couldn't figure out where it went. It was rattling around in the box, and i cannot even figure out if it goes to this guy. It just adds to his asstastic charm I suppose. Do not buy this unless you like feeling ripped off, or like cheap crap. Here's where I bought mine, in case you're some sort of masochist.
Oversized Optimus Prime KO-3/10
Side note when I went to get this link, I saw a WFC Prime for $35 with free shipping. Expect that and FOC Prime reviews  eventually.

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