Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Toy review Time! Bootleg City Commander (Ultra Magnus)

    As anyone who has ever been to my place knows, I am a toy collector. I keep this shit on the Dark of the Moon to most people though. NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND MY PAAAAIIIN! Not really. Anyway since Hasbro seems content on just repainting every single Optimus Prime toy white and calling it Ultra Magnus, your choices for the super robot merged with the trailer are few and far between. You have the original from the mid 80s (cool, but almost 30 years old), the titanium one too tiny) and the 3rd party kit City Commander, an add on to the existing (and limited edition) Classics Ultra Magnus. The City Commander set is about $200 bucks or so on ebay, and the classics Ultra Magnus is around $60. But Gypsy Dangerr you say, that's too much money for a well done knock off.I agree! So the best option available is the bootleg Classics Ultra Magnus and a bootleg of the City Commander kit! If you're really lucky, the guy from China, or Hong Kong will sell them both in a set! That's what I received today. Onto the review.
   Seen above is what I received in a beat up box from from across the ocean. It doesn't look to shabby, the only real difference from the official Classics figure is the legs are white. I prefer this change, as it looks like a homage to the original Ultra Magnus. There a are a few other areas that should be blue as well, like on the roof and the side of the cab.It's also missing the Autobot rub sign, but who really cares about that ?

When in robot mode, it's evident that the gun is missing a blue paint app on the barrel of his gun. He will only be in this mode for the sake of this review, that City Commander set is too fucking boss to not utilize. Like a great Transformer should, all the components fit into the trailer. Awesome!

    What a bad ass trailer, all I would add is Autobot decals, though I'm sure I could buy those cheap online. Who cares about the trailer though ? It's more about what this bad ass trailer can become! I took pictures of it next to Generation one Ultra Magnus to emphasize how fucking sweet this guy is.

    Holy dicks, how sweet looking is this robot? Look at the bad ass weapon! He has a sword too! Goddamn what more could you want ? The only real issues I have with this guy are his smaller guns are suppose to fit into the back of his shoulders, and they don't. At all. There is also these dangly pieces that are suppose to lock in place, but nope. They are looser than a sorority girl after her third Tequila.
  Still overall, do I recommend this ? Yes and no. If you want something to transform a few times and have this guy standing on your shelf showing your other toys how to kick ass, then yes! If you want something to play with regularly, no. The joints are loose, and the plastic is kind of cheap. Overall I give this guy a 7/10. Here is where I got mine :
It came to Ohio from Hong Kong in a week. Solid!

Here's a few more pictures just to make you love him more.

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