Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dynamite Explosion! Costume x Crossover!, Macross 30th Anniversary SQ Figures Sheryl Nome, Ranka Lee, and Mylene Jenius!

I'm not dead, I assure you. I just have terrible summer classes where I am forced to write a minimum of eight pages of dreck per week. Usually more, so when it comes to write more I would rather cut of my ding dong. It certainly didn't help that I went and saw Transformers 4 eight times next week, and had to be social constantly. That shit burns me out like a man covered in gasoline. Now here's an onslaught on blogs that happens when I get a huge order! Hooray!
I've always had an odd relationship with Macross. I've seen every series in the cannon, but it never really hooked with me, it felt like an inferior Gundam series all the way. That is, til I watched Macross 7. The series was repetitive, Basara was annoying, and the plot was retarded, but oh that beautiful soundtrack. To this day I proudly proclaim Fire Bomber as my favorite band. I am also a figure hoarder of highest caliber, so I NEEDED a figure of Basara. I already had an older one, but the hotness known as Sheryl Nome dressed as Basara ? I needed it in my life. The rest was more of a snowball effect after the fact.

   I had seen this badboy many a times on Amiami's used list, but never when I had an order ready to go. I was searching for a gift for a friend, and decided to bite the soft chewy bullet and make this figure my own, for roughly $13. A steal for such a cool piece! The box teases other cross over pieces, which further tempted me to buy more.

   Obviously, this is a modified version of Basara's live outfit, he was a dirty hippie, not a tranny. It's been modified for the slut crowd, aka Sheryl Nome. Not that she isn't a fine ass slut at that. The sculpt of the figure is amazing, The hair flowing in wind with Sheryl's odd blonde pink hair is perfectly replicated, and she has a sweet ass rack. The guitar is an exact replica of Basara's just like the modified details on the outfit. This figure is really smexy, but as gay as it may be I would prefer a true Basara one. This old one just ain't cutting it.
    I really dig the base on Sheryl, it has her signature and celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the Macross series. So where's my Basara in Hikaru's clothes ? Oh wait Otaku don't buy dudes, they're too homophobic. Sheryl gets a 9/10, due to hotness, price and all around greatness.You like tits and Macross ? Get it! Now onto her mold headed rival, Ranka Lee from the same line.

    I was never really a fan of Ranka. I hated her hair, she was too moe and kawaii, and her singing didn't appeal to me. Hell, I barely remember anything about her in Macross Frontier. Then again I barely remember Macross Frontier, it did air against Code Geass R2. I'm pretty sure she was an up and coming idol against Sheryl's established idol, destined to come together and sing during the final battle. Then promptly get shafted when the male lead chose the better girl.

    I can see the appeal of this figure, she has a younger, more cutesy look compared to Sheryl's mature femininity. This is what Japan loves, because Otaku can't handle a real woman.  Here she is presented wearing Lynn Minmei's outfit from Macross. It works pretty well on her, I like the clash it's pink creates against Ranka's green hair. She's not doing her trademark eye pose flip thing, which makes me sad. She has no real curves to speak of, and quite frankly I have no idea why I bought this. I should lay off the impulse buying. Still, it's a solid figure, nice paint job, great sculpt, but for Ranka fans only, all two of you. 6/10.

   I don't think it's ever come up here, but I love anime chicks with pink hair.Hell, my last girlfriend had pink hair when we were dating. If an anime girl has pink hair, she's automatically best girl in my mind. If she duets on a sweet as song like Holy Lonely Night, then holy shit, she deserves respect straight up.  That's where Mylene Jenius comes in. The daughter of two characters from the original Macross, she ends up in the band Fire Bomber with Basara. Who cares though, she has pink hair!

   I had to look it up, but this outfit was worn originally by Ranka Lee. I thought it was some weird ass original creation, but that wouldn't fit in with the line. Mylene is dressed up as some sort of Magician with her pet furby coming out of the had. I love the implied movement with her coat tails and hair, and the posing as if she says "Tada!" I really dig the shadind too, especially on the thigh highs. She's holding some sort of Kingdom Hearts Keyblade, because everyone is a fucking Keyblade warrior, so long as they're under 18.  The pastel colors on her outfit really make her stand out, between her other two partners, if it wasn't for Sheryl's hotness and my love of Basara's songs, she might be my favorite from the line. Too bad, she still gets an 8/10.
Sheryl needs a baby sitter so she can bang Alto.

I thought we were channeling Poison!
I really do like all these figures, despite not being a huge Macross fan. They're easily found on ebay for $20 with shipping, So why not buy all 3 ? Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy plastic crack.

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