Saturday, January 11, 2014

I heart Revoltechs! Revoltech 105 Getter One Renewal Version.

   What a surprise, more Revotlech fun? Who would expect that on this blog. Any way no more sarcasm, I caved and bought myself a Getter one to display with my Black Getter and Shin Getter Revoltechs. He was much cheaper than either, in case you were wondering. The Renewal version is the same model as Revoltech 31. The only differences are accessories, and this one has no arm spikes.

   The main difference is the cape, between this, and ole number 031. The cape is segmented and jointed. All four pieces are exactly the same.  This guy also comes with a pink getter burst, and a yellow explosion, while the original had two guns. They have the same axes and hands though.
   The cape was definitely the selling point here over the old version, seriously, look at how bad ass it is! It can be linked together, all on his back, or attached every which way, whatever you think is cooler!
Admit it, that looks cool! It's like Getter one is moving super fast, and the cape is going everywhere. So awesome.
  The Beam is awkward, it doesn't fit on his torso, it affixes to the stand, and awkwardly loops around to the front. That is quite a let down. Still, I figures out a way to make it looks cool:
Getter one if opening the gates of Guf.
   Yes, I affixed it above his head like a Halo, I am too cool. I feel the blast effect adds to the cool. I'd say Getter one is a bit cooler than Shin Getter, but he has nothing on Black getter, at least in this line. Still I shall give Getter One 105 a 6/10. There's really nothing noteworthy other than the cape.

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