Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dual KO review! Shattered Glass Optimus Prime with Fansproject City Commander upgrade, and Dia Commander Optimus Prime!

     I've been on a Haurhi Kick, so expect some Haruhi Figma ramblings at some point. I picked up Yuki in her witch outfit, Royoko Asakura, Koizumi, Haruhi in her special PS2 game bonus outfit, Mikuru Asahina, and Haruhi in her Kouyou outfit, with the ps2 figure andAsahina being dirt cheap on Mandrake, and the other being sold out. So off to amazon I went! Masterpiece Starscream is shipping this week too. Though I am debating on if I should remove him from his package. . . 

 As with most Transformers fans, I often find alternate color schemes or repaints really fucking awesome. I really loved my KO Ultra Magnus and it's City Commander upgrade kit, so seeing the Shattered Glass and Dia versions caught my eye, though the prices kept me away for awhile. Then I received a bonus check from the job I quit, so I said YOLO and bought them both. They arrived yesterday, and now they're being reviewed! Hoorah!

  From the get go, these truck cabs both have much better color schemes than that plain white Ultra Magnus. The shattered Glass prime has amazing detail, considering that he is indeed a bootleg. The til all are non graffiti is even spelled right. The Optimus is based on the Japanese Henkei release with it's slick as chrome, and it very nice, probably nicer than the Murican release. I'm not paying for that, so unless someone ties on to a brick and slaps it through my window, It won't appear on here. Time to transform these brothers!

   They both are very beautiful in robot mode, paint job wise. The plastic quality of Optimusi is a bit better than my Ultra magnus KO. The joints on both are worse, especially SG Prime. SG Prime has very lose hip joints and left arm. Optimus only has the loose left arm, so maybe it's a mold defect ? They can't hold their weapons right in that arms, in just drags it down, as seen in both photos above. Yachting higher it just droops down like a lazy cat. Trailer time!

  I feel these guys look their best in trailer attached form. There is really no loose joints or anything, and the paint jobs are spot on, and beautiful. SG has a much more unique paint job, those bootleggers deserve praise for it. I enjoy the chrome on Dia Commanders trailer too, much shiny. wow. such America. Onto the super robot!

   Due to the looseness of SG's joints, this guy has a sloppy posture and has to use his BFG as a cane, otherwise the legs spread apart and he collapses. He comes with a sweet laser sword the puts laser Prime to shame.As with City Commander, the weapons don't fit into the back of his shoulders. Included is a suitcase of energon meth, since  SG supports himself by selling it on the street corner. SG Optimus is edgy as fuck.

His suitcase contains missiles, not drugs!
     Dia commander Optimus has better balance, but is lacking the sword and his missile launchers don not stay in his shoulder holes, the peg is too small, or the hole is too big. Sounds like my sex life! Awoooooooooooo!!! The red doesn't match up either, which gives him an odd appearance as a whole.  I do love the flamboyance of it though, this color scheme is based on the original Ultra Magnus Diaclone figure i believe. I'm too lazy to check. I checked and it is, though Ultra Magnus has a blue cab, and wasn't Optimus Prime, Any version of this mold will work, and I've seen Kold Konvoy (the blue repaint of this mold) as a bootleg for $40 on ebay. You can even by the Dia Commander bootleg separate.

So what's the final word ? Ive give both SG City Commander and Dia Coammander a solid 7/10. These guys are awesome, so long as you don't play with them too much. Plus, who has the money for these over expensive upgrades and their even pricier limited figures ? Here's the links for the lazy:

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