Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Figma for shizzle, Figma 022 Miyuki Takara, 008 Konata Izumi, and 012Tsukasa Hiiragi Winter versions Lucky Star!

I believe I have written no less than 3 blogs where i claimed to be done with reviewing Figmas. Then Amiami shows me somethign pretty, and I buy it for cheap. The starts were aligned last week, and the three Lucky Star girls I did not have were all on Amiami, for roughly $15 each. I checked out like fist of the North Star, and now they are mine!

Yes, yes, kawaii school girls doing kawaii things. These are early Figmas, so i'm not expecting much anyway.

Wow, take a gander at that lack of accessories! Konata is awkward with her hair making getting in the way of her standing up straight while connecting to the stand. Miyuki is a bit better, and Tsukasa doesn't have that problem at all! Each figure comes with a single unique accessory and face.
Yeah, lame, but whatever. Anime figure collectors had lower standards back in 2008. Holy shit, that was 6 years ago, now I feel old. Time to Summon my Persona.  As you can tell from these pictures, Max Factory did not reuse the same body for all of them. I'm almost impressed.
Douche felt he was more photogenic than the girls.

Here they are in the adorable poses from the back of the boxes altogether! Darling Darling please! They do look great all together, I'm glad I bough them. The fun thing is I paid $50 for Kagami, while the rest of them were $45 combined. My life is pain and suffering. Anyway a solid 6/10 for all three of the girls, and a 10/10 for Douche. Too bad for you Douche is limited edition, and only I can have one.

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